Monday, December 22, 2008

Crazy Cupcake day!!!

Well hello again...I'm really getting the hang of this Blogger thing...and im really enjoying it, but anyways, I woke up this morning to my mother watching the news...when she was suppose to be at work. She had another back problem...see my mother has a dislocated disc in her back which causes her to have really bad back pains, so i guess today was just worse than normal. Luckily she called off of work!!! Anyways, After breakfast I went with my mother to the 99 cents store, and it was great because the Vons store down the street just went out of business and the 99 cents store took all of the merchandise that Vons left, so Items that would be like $7-$15 dollars was only a buck!!! hehe it was great but anyways, After going to the store, We came back And i thought to myself, I should make the cupcakes for my really good friend kyle and his family!!! So i took all day just so then I could make all five of them!!! they came out really nice, so im proud of myself. Although, im very tired of doing these things because their just too time consuming. But hey, if you want to make a great gift you got to work hard for it!!! Anyways, that's all i got for today!!! I'll be here again tomorrow!! Bye!!!

~Matthew Lopez~

1 comment:

  1. so bummed I missed the 99 cent store/Vons sale! sounds like fun! and, I agree, making cupcakes that are "perfect" gifts takes a ton of time. Yay! I've been updating my blog as well, so keep checking back, though I'm totally behind on updating Paris. I will, though, it is embedded in my memory!


About Me

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I am 19, I love to conversation with people, and i love to help people out in a time in need!