Thursday, February 26, 2009

Senior Life

AHHHH!!! Okay, im really tired of this!!! Okay, I'm A Senior this year, and yes I'm having a great time, It's just that there is this giant senior BILL!!! Everything is so expensive, and everything has a dead-line!!! GRRR, and the more I'm trying to help out my mom, and brother the more their getting mad at me!!! ERG...And I'm Getting mad because of the fact that I can't freaken please these people!!! I know that my mother says that I'm Stressing her out, it's just that I want to help, and I think I have the right to sense, yes they are paying for everything, I just want it to be more cheaper, and easier on them!!!! I just wish they can see were I'm coming from!!! GRRR!!! *SIGH* Anyways, I hope I can find a better solution to this......I just want everyone to be happy!!! Maybe I can find a way maybe to get a little bit extra cash without them knowing!!! I don't know....we can see what happens!!! Anyways, I took my Panorama Picture today, with all of the seniors!!! It was a lot of fun!!! Just that the freaken Administrators were being way to annoying, they wanted this but they wanted that....You know!!! Anyways, For the Picture we had to take four of one section, then four of the whole class, then four other ones that were the whole group but it was with whatever we wanted to do!!! So Dania was sitting right next to me, and I thought up of something...She said she wanted the camera to see her Purple pants that she was wearing...But you couldn't see it because of the fact that we were siting down!!! Luckily I came up with a solution...I decided to pick her up, and hold her up for the picture, and you were actually able to see the picture!!! It was the Highlight of my day!!! Just that everything was crashed and burned when I came home, about all that bull shit that I got!!! I just really wish that they can at least let me help!!! IDK...but anyways, well I'm going to leave you with that little story!!! And I'll be back on soon!!! BYE!!!

~Matthew Lopez~

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

~Keeping Up~

Hi Everyone! Okay well I know I haven't aded anything on this for a while, but let me go ahead and begin again! I Apologize if anyone was awaiting for me to continue, but anyways let me give you an update! Okay so well everything is pretty much the same with me...although I now don't have Geometry any more thank god (nothing personal ms. cardoza) So now My schedual is alittle bit more layed back...I have A.P. Gov't for first then I have Service for mr Verdand, then I have A.P. Lit, then after that I have Spanish, then Choir...And Finally Film Making! So its a little bit more fun then the first semester...I can Honestly say that this semester has been great, and more easy, and less stressful! LOL...anyways, also I have a big anouncment...My brother just turned twenty this past Monday!!! It was fun...he got an X-box 360....which is really cool...well for him!! LOL...anyways, I think he had a great time...but one thing that I didn't like was that the one person that should have atleast called didn't!!! The one we call father!!! LOl....I don't think it's cool that he did such a thing!!! He forgets my B-day a lot...but he never went once without at least father really needs to learn more respect....I'm not going to get more into depth with that...but everything else in mylife if pretty good!! Im just trying to go through my year without any problems!!! I've been really wondering about my future lately!! Like if im making the right decisions...or maybe taking up as much challenges as muich as I should!!! I really want to go to CSUN (cal State Northrige) But, if I can't get in then im going to take classes at a community college!!! Economically its a smart Idea, plus it's not as Competitive!!! So If I go to a community college I would want to go to Glendale, LACC, PCC, or one of those!!! I heard that Glendale is a really great school! I noticed that they have a pretty good teaching I think I'm going to go there!!! LOl....enough abouht that...Right now...well i should say at the moment I really need to work on scholarships!!! So im going to go ahead and leave you with what I wrote already!!! bE BACK SOON!!! Bye Everyone!!!

~Matthew Lopez~

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Knowing of life?

Well tonight is the night before Mid-Terms!!! Am I ready....some what I guess!!! I just wish we had maybe a little more time!!! It's always good to have another day!!! Anyways...I think im pretty much ready enough for me to go on and to well in the test!!! I just hope that maybe nothing goes wrong!!! Like this morning....It sucked this morning I decided to take my bike (AKA Charyl) And what the best part of it is!!! My bike freaken snaps it gear again!!! So i was late this!!! Anyways, I have something that I've had on my mind for a while!!!! Why do people suspect that everything is okay after a day from fighting!!! For anything I'm still pretty mad!!! lol.....IDK....I just think that our society today is totally corrupt....I even thin that our world is going to be so corrupt that the whole world will become of no existence!!! I guess this is my theory just because of the way people act!!!! I hate how people sort problems out with violence...why not talk it out!!!! Why do we stick our hand in the fire....If we already know that our hand is going to get burned??? All very good Questions that I wish I can Actually answer!!! I also think it has to do with Hatred...stupidity...and uneducated problems that cause this!!! I don't really want to go into depth with that!!! LOL!!! Anyways, Well it's time for me to rest then I am all freshened up for tomorrow!!! So im heading out!!! But im going to leave you with this...Can you believe I have to know seven songs by Sunday!!!! OMG!!!! LOL....anyways bye everyone...and good luck to the people who are taking the Mid-Terms at my school!!! BYE!!!

~Matthew Lopez~

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Men...on a Weekend?

Hey everyone!!! Okay so today i am going to talk about.....hmmmm....I don't really no what to talk about!!! LOl....I know this might seem wierd, but I don't really know what to talk about!!! let me think.....hmmmm...I'm going to write a really really crazy story!!! Just for the hell of it!!! Since im at the library bored outa my mind!!! lol...okay hmmmmm....You know what I can't even think what to tell a story about!!! I got something to talk about!!! Okay...lets talk about how I have the biggest crush on this guy at school...that I have been trying to talk to for a long time...just that im scared to hear what he says!!! I really like this guy...but I hardly know this guy....But I want to get to know him!!! He seems like a really cool, nice, cute, mmmm.....guy!!! LOL...anyways, enough about that!!! Okay so Let's now talk about...Oh wait....I see someone from my school over at the table far behind the room!!! He is gay too...I see him around school a lot!!! Although...I never really bothered to talk to him!!! He seems to be with two totally cute guys though!!! I don't think that there gay!!! They don't look gay!!! Yet who knows maybe they are!!! LOL...anyways so like I was saying...lets talk is up with all of these cute guys am saying this because there is actually a cute guy...not a really cute guy....but he is cute!!! lol....he is actually sitting right next to me!!! lol....Omg...he saw me starring...okay im going to stop taliking about guys...but anyways...really im going to talk about what I have been doing this weekend!!! Lets
do that....its easier!!! LOL...okay well lets start with Friday!!! Friday, I was actually excited because it was Friday!!! Me, Kyle, and Kevin, always hangs out at Kyles place every Friday!!! But His parents didn't allow anyone at his place for once...and on a Friday!!! I had nothing to do!!! I hanged out with Kevin....but then
Kevin and I went to Erika, and Leslie's house!!! It was a lot of fun...we played video games...spam Kyle for the Fuck of it....And just talk!!! It was A lot of fun!!! Anyways, then I went home! Saturday came around, I spent the whole day with my mom!!! That was a lot of fun!!! We took Duke to the people who were trying to adopt him (for those of you who don't know Duke is my dog) And then after that we spent the whole day together!!! We went places, played fun games!!! and Just talk!!! My mother And I don't really get to do that much!!! Especially because I am at school and she goes to work!!! So we don't see each other that much!!! Then the day ended!!! Today, which is Sunday, I am actually at the Central Library Typing this thing, The reason I don't want to be home....well...I won't go there...but anyways, I didn't want to be home, and I went with my mom to go run some air ins in the morning, and then I went with her to work...and here I am Typing!!! Anyways, that's pretty much it!!! And OMG...the guy that goes to my school just totally passed by me and smiled..I think he knows that I am's just he seems a little, the totally cute gay sitting next to me is totally gay....I think...My Gaydar went up...and I think it's!!! Anyways, I think that's enough for today!!! SO i'm just going to end it! Bye everyone!!

~Matthew Lopez~

About Me

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I am 19, I love to conversation with people, and i love to help people out in a time in need!