Wednesday, February 25, 2009

~Keeping Up~

Hi Everyone! Okay well I know I haven't aded anything on this for a while, but let me go ahead and begin again! I Apologize if anyone was awaiting for me to continue, but anyways let me give you an update! Okay so well everything is pretty much the same with me...although I now don't have Geometry any more thank god (nothing personal ms. cardoza) So now My schedual is alittle bit more layed back...I have A.P. Gov't for first then I have Service for mr Verdand, then I have A.P. Lit, then after that I have Spanish, then Choir...And Finally Film Making! So its a little bit more fun then the first semester...I can Honestly say that this semester has been great, and more easy, and less stressful! LOL...anyways, also I have a big anouncment...My brother just turned twenty this past Monday!!! It was fun...he got an X-box 360....which is really cool...well for him!! LOL...anyways, I think he had a great time...but one thing that I didn't like was that the one person that should have atleast called didn't!!! The one we call father!!! LOl....I don't think it's cool that he did such a thing!!! He forgets my B-day a lot...but he never went once without at least father really needs to learn more respect....I'm not going to get more into depth with that...but everything else in mylife if pretty good!! Im just trying to go through my year without any problems!!! I've been really wondering about my future lately!! Like if im making the right decisions...or maybe taking up as much challenges as muich as I should!!! I really want to go to CSUN (cal State Northrige) But, if I can't get in then im going to take classes at a community college!!! Economically its a smart Idea, plus it's not as Competitive!!! So If I go to a community college I would want to go to Glendale, LACC, PCC, or one of those!!! I heard that Glendale is a really great school! I noticed that they have a pretty good teaching I think I'm going to go there!!! LOl....enough abouht that...Right now...well i should say at the moment I really need to work on scholarships!!! So im going to go ahead and leave you with what I wrote already!!! bE BACK SOON!!! Bye Everyone!!!

~Matthew Lopez~

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I am 19, I love to conversation with people, and i love to help people out in a time in need!